Thu, 30 December 2010
Buonasera, Mars Effectinos; are you in the mood for some adultery? How about dirty business dealings? Good girls gone bad gone good? If you are, then you won't want to miss today's episode of the Mars Effect. If you REALLY are, then your life is probably more exciting than ours. Not that we're jealous or anything. Love, Kim and Andrew |
Thu, 16 December 2010
Hey hey, Effected Martians! Today's episode is a doozy: suspected suicide, Wallace using his detective skills to pick up chicks, not to mention a very special cameo. And all for the price of pushing that little play button. Ain't that sweet? Love, Kim and Andrew |
Thu, 2 December 2010
Welcome back, Mars Effectalizers: you're here just in time for the beginning of Veronica Mars, and thus the Effect thereof, Season 2! Find out who was at the door, put the Lilly Kane murder behind you, and get ready for a new mystery and another year of sarcasm, nitpicking, and silly quotations. Doesn't it just feel like you were never even gone? Love, Kim and Andrew |
Thu, 18 November 2010
Surprise, Marslings! It turns out we've got one last trick up our sleeves before we start in on Season 2. For your consideration, a discussion of the deleted scenes on the Season 1 DVD boxed set, our increasingly numerous outtakes, and some general reminiscence. We hope it's enough to tide you over as we tidy up the office, repaint the microphones, and prepare for Season 2. Enjoy! Love, Kim and Andrew
Thu, 4 November 2010
Well, here it is, loyal Martians, the moment you've all been waiting for: the GRAND FINALE of Season 1 of the Mars Effect! Join us as we witness the end of an era, learn family secrets (the characters', that is, not ours) and find out once and for all who killed Lilly Kane! A big thank you to all our listeners; we couldn't have done it without you! Well, we could have, but it would have sucked. See you next season, Kim and Andrew |
Thu, 21 October 2010
Hidey-ho, Mars Effectocrats! (Wow, these are starting to get really ridiculous...) Come along with us as we near the end of Season 1 of both Veronica Mars and the Mars Effect, and savor one last dose of love triangles and flashbacks before everything falls apart. For Veronica, that is, not for us. Probably. Love, Kim and Andrew
Thu, 7 October 2010
Oh, hello there Mars Effectionates! Would you perhaps be interested in this brand new, hot-off-the-factory-floor Mars Effect episode? Complete with youthful sexual experimentation, ungrateful rich people, and hilarious and bittersweet blackmail operations, this episode can be yours for just three easy payments of $0.00! Plus shipping and handling. Love, Kim and Andrew
Thu, 23 September 2010
Bienvenidos, Mars Effectadors (y -doras)! Today's episode comes to you straight from the heart of Neptune: cruelty to animals, sleazy Hollywood producers, domestic violence, awkward but lovable dog owners...all this and more can be yours for the low, low price of absolutely free. Take that, economics! Love, Kim and Andrew
Thu, 9 September 2010
Why hello there, Mars Effectators! You showed up just in time for a very special LIVE episode of the internet's highest-rated Veronica Mars recap podcast*: unlike most of our episodes, this was recorded live and in person, meant to be played as a commentary track to the episode itself. So pop in your DVD and watch along with us! It's like having us right in the room! Only not as creepy. Love, Kim and Andrew *Ratings not guaranteed |
Thu, 26 August 2010
Hello again, Mars Effected! Today's episode brings you the three things we know you want from a Mars Effect episode: ruminations on class warfare, unusual pizza toppings, and everyone's favorite scumbag private investigator singing Hall & Oates! If those don't happen to be the three things you want from a Mars Effect episode, well...listen anyway. There's probably something else in there we forgot. Love, Kim and Andrew |
Thu, 12 August 2010
Howdy, Mars-Effecterinos! Just to prove how much we love you, we're giving you an extra special episode* chock-full of Archie Comics references, kidnapped mascots, and wanton destruction of tricked out vans, plus the schmaltziest ending in Veronica Mars history. Mwah! Love, Kim and Andrew *Specialness not guaranteed |
Thu, 29 July 2010
Happy Valentine's Day, Mars Effecties! To prove how much we love you, we bring you a brand spanking new episode: swoon as we discuss Veronica's attempts to play Cupid, the cuteness of Meg, and the horrendous hilarity of Eighties pop culture. So grab a bowl of candy hearts, sit back, and try not to choke on all that love that's in the air. Love (love love love love), Kim and Andrew |
Thu, 15 July 2010
Bienvenidos, followers of the one true Mars Effect! You're just in time to catch our latest episode, chock full of father-daughter rivalry, chess-piece names, teen pregnancy, blue dye, randy text messages, and seductive school teachers! That, and part two of our award-winning series "Veronica Looks Up to Someone, So They Must Die Or Betray Her." Love, Kim and Andrew |
Thu, 1 July 2010
Bon jour, Mars Effect... listeners (well, you try coming up with a new term of endearment every time!) Today's episode marks a dark day in the history of the Mars Effect; we disagree fundamentally on the value of the episode's A-plot! Luckily, to take away the sting of our bitter rivalry we also expose our mutual ignorance of rap culture and celebrate the rise of the single greatest comedic phrase in the history of television, podcasting, and indeed all mankind. You'll know it when you hear it. Love, Kim and Andrew |
Thu, 17 June 2010
Welcome once again, Mars Effect people, to another fine episode. Today we discuss "Clash of the Tritons," the harrowing tale of a young woman framed for a crime she did not commit, leading her down into an ancient conspiracy as she is forced to the outskirts of society in her crusade for her own personal brand of street justice...served ice cold. Or, you know, something like that. Love, Kim and Andrew |
Thu, 3 June 2010
Welcome back, Mars Effectlings! You will be happy to know that today's episode covers all facets of human behavior, from mistaken identity to deranged serial murder, from agonizing family pathos to heart-stopping action! That's about all one could reasonably ask for in any medium of entertainment, no? What? On time? Regular schedule? No, that doesn't ring a bell. Love, Kim and Andrew
Direct download: The_Mars_Effect_-_Episode_11_Silence_of_the_Lamb.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:04pm MST |
Thu, 13 May 2010
Merry Christmas, Mars Effecters! "An Echolls Family Christmas," that is. Join us with extra special guest host Heidi as we talk about ghetto aesthetics, pumpkin carving, and the disturbing implications of unintentional classism. What could be better? Well, egg nog, obviously, but try getting that for free over the internet. Love, Kim and Andrew (and Heidi) |
Thu, 29 April 2010
Rejoice, gentle listeners (and brutal ones too), as we bring you yet another episode of The Mars Effect! Today we talk about cults, crappy teen poety, deprogramming, and Veronica's ability to screw over good and decent people. Enjoy, fellow Mooncalves! Love, Kim and Andrew
Thu, 15 April 2010
Aloha, Mars Effecters, and welcome to our first episode on our new post day, having less to do with our consistent inability to post on Mondays than the fact that we've changed when we record the show. So sit back, relax, and listen to a thriving discussion about "Like a Virgin," including our own dubious purity test results, the cartoon birds in Meg's hair, and the introduction of one of the coolest characters in the history of Veronica Mars (spoiler alert: it's Mac). Love, Kim and Andrew P.S. And here's the link to the purity test(s) we took, as promised: |
Tue, 30 March 2010
Welcome one and all to yet another wonderful episode of The Mars Effect, in which we will talk about red herrings, domestic disputes, and the inevitability of fate. Or something like that. Really, it's mostly just about a dog in a little sailor suit. But then, shouldn't everything on the internet be?
Love, Kim and Andrew
Mon, 15 March 2010
Never fear, gentle listeners! Episode 6 is alive and well, albeit a week late. So rejoice in the excellence as we discuss "Return of the Kane," the episode that revels in one of the classic Veronica Mars episode types: Veronica Looks Up to Someone, So They Must Die Or Betray Her. Thrill to the rise of Duncan Kane's political career, discover that Logan Echolls is actually a real character with feelings and stuff, and rest assured that our next episode will be out on time. Probably. Love, Kim and Andrew
Mon, 8 March 2010
We're having technical difficulties with episode 6; it might be up a little late, but it will be up. Rest assured that we'll squeeze in a little extra awesome to make up for it. Love, Kim and Andrew
-- posted at: 7:39pm MST
Fri, 26 February 2010
Ladies and gentlemen, you are here to witness a historic event: our first late episode! If you're having as bad a week as we are, well then we have just the thing for you; a rolicking exploration of the episode "You Think You Know Someone," in which all the passive aggressive hinting from the past few episodes finally comes to fruition. Enjoy, and rest assured that the next one will be on time. Probably. Love, Kim and Andrew |
Mon, 8 February 2010
Because you asked for it (even those of you who didn't), here's Episode 4. We talk about the episode "The Wrath of Con," the Matrix Online, and our true feelings about Wallace. And, if that's not enough, you get us being generally snarky and facetious about Wallace's new girlfriend absolutely free! A must listen for those who have been stung by Nigerian email scams and need the humorous lampooning of two people talking about a TV show in order to find catharsis.
Love, Kim and Andrew
Direct download: The_Mars_Effect_-_Episode_04_The_Wrath_of_Con.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:07pm MST |
Mon, 25 January 2010
Just to prove that we are actually planning on releasing these at regular intervals and not just any time we feel like it, here's Episode 3, where we talk about the episode "Meet John Smith" in a manner most humorous while vindicating those who have been complaining to their friends about how ridiculous the rating system is. Guaranteed to leave you weeping in simultaneous laughter and profound existential revelation.*
Love, Kim and Andrew *Not a guarantee.
Direct download: The_Mars_Effect_-_Episode_03_Meet_John_Smith.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:13pm MST |
Mon, 11 January 2010
Here we are once again folks, a brand new episode on a brand new day with a brand new rating system that will either make you toss rose petals at our feet or fire blowdarts at us from the tops of buildings (for there is no middle ground in the world of Veronica Mars). In this episode we talk about Season One, Episode Two: "Credit Where Credit's Due." Prepare to be amazed. Or at least occupied.
Love, Kim and Andrew
Direct download: The_Mars_Effect_-_Episode_02_Credit_Where_Credits_Due.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:55pm MST |