The Mars Effect

An episode by episode review of the hit show Veronica Mars.

The Podcasts

Hi, everyone! This is just a heads-up to let you know that, due to a scheduling change, we'll now be posting new episodes on Monday rather than Thursday. Episode #43 will be up next Monday, September 5.


Kim and Andrew

Category:general -- posted at: 6:24pm MST

Bonjour, Marseilles! Boy, have we got an episode for you: stalking, Woody's personal life, Logan's parties, and a whole bunch of other disgusting human excesses! Doesn't it just make you want to shower us with unqualified praise?


Kim and Andrew

Direct download: Episode_42_Complete.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:48pm MST

Hiya, Effecties! This time, we've got an episode that's guaranteed to please...provided you like corrupt animal shelters, gangland politics, and Wallace getting his heart broken. But really, who doesn't?


Kim and Andrew

Direct download: The_Mars_Effect_-_Episode_41_Never.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:02pm MST